Reimagining the
Injection Experience

The Injection Experience is more than a moment - it is a cyclical journey, where experiences surrounding anticipation, preparation and injection have a cumulative impact on the health of people with diabetes.

Droplet Micron has been designed to deliver the best injection experience.


"Ok, just tried this best needle ever for my Diabetes injection — it's the "shortest and thinnest" pen needle ever! I don't even feel the needle - it makes you actually look forward to your injection"
-Micron User


Research suggests that anxiety, distress, or phobias are present in upward of 94% of insulin injectors with up to 42% reporting that anxiety impacts adherence.

At 34G x 3.5mm, Droplet Micron is the shortest and thinnest pen needle, ever!



Droplet Micron was designed to help free people with diabetes from this routinely anxious cycle so that people injecting diabetes medications feel better about every injection, every time.

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Micron is the shortest and thinnest pen needle ever.1 It’s as reliable, effective and safe as your current pen needle.2

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Micron reduces penetration force by up to 50%.3 Less penetration force means a less painful injection.3-6

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Micron's tapered and polished tip is designed for maximum comfort,3,7 prompting 98% of people to recommend it to others.8



Injection experiences are inconsistent enhancing anticipatory anxiety. Furthermore, people who have good glycemic management, HbA1C 7% or less, report a significantly lower fear of needles than those with HbA1c>7%.

“Even though I inject every day, I still hesitate before my injections.”

Shorter and thinner needles cause less anxiety, pain and discomfort, and lead to better acceptance and adherence to insulin.



The needle acts as a visual stimulus for pain perception. Just seeing the needle length is correlated to painful insertions (P=0.043). Furthermore, shorter and thinner needles, provoke less painful insertions, bleeding, and bruising.

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“I want a needle that’s so small it seems almost invisible”


Shorter and thinner needles are expected to relieve patient pain and fear caused by the visual stimulus of the needle’s appearance.


Clinical studies demonstrate that penetration force is correlated with insertion pain with higher gauge needles reporting less occurrence and intensity of pain. 47% of patients report that they would improve their adherence if a product eased pain.

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In the PICASSO study, 34Gx3.5mm pen needles demonstrated a reduction in the mean peak penetration force by up to 50% P<0.0001.


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“The difference is noticeable (with Micron)!
It was smooth and needed less force.”

A thinner needle will reduce needle penetration force (PF) and patients can expect a more comfortable injection due to experiencing less pain


Images depict models. For illustrative purposes only.


SEE, FEEL and EXPERIENCE the difference

The Droplet Micron Educator Kit includes visual and demonstrative tools, and a refreshing way to educate injection technique. Request your samples and complimentary educator kit below.








See The Difference

Invite patients to see the difference, and how a shorter and thinner needle can improve their injection experience.







Feel the Difference

Encourage them to feel the difference of Micron’s penetration force by using the injection pad. Use the pad to review injection technique and introduce LITTLE.






Experience the Difference

Inspire them to experience the difference for themselves by providing a Micron sample and key injection technique tips.






Prescribing Droplet Micron

Setting up Micron as preferred in your EMR is easy: simply press control D on your keypad to save as a bookmark/favorite.
Droplet Micron Pen Needles
34G x 3.5mm

US NDC/HRI: 08489-7914-10
Canada Pseudo DIN 97799086; 99002108 (RAMQ); 999725 (BC)
Dispense as written, do not substitute








Resources for Deeper Insights of How Droplet Micron Makes a Difference


See the impact of Micron’s
penetration force

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A dialogue with ADCES on Reimagining the Injection Experience for people with diabetes

How a person injects their medication is just as important as taking it. Learn practical ways to optimize the injection experience for people with diabetes from Anu Rajora, a practicing pharmacist and director of marketing at HTL-STREFA. She shares a person-centered approach for reimagining the injection experience and discusses how diabetes care and education specialists can help break the cycle of negative injection experiences.


Order Your Kit Today!

Healthcare Professionals

If you would like to ask a question, request a sample for yourself or a patient, or an educator kit fill out the form below.

*Required field

You must be a licensed healthcare provider in the U.S or Canada to receive a kit or sample.